Edward Gomez

Astronomy, Coder, Science Communicator, Storyteller

Edward Gomez science communication
About Me

I am an astrophysicist and award winning educator. As part of my role with Las Cumbres Observatory I find novel ways to engage the public in science by using astronomy. This has taken the form of creating citizen science projects like Asteroid Tracker, interactive educational web apps like Star in a Box, and online celebrity events like Show Me Stars and an award winning education programme, Global Sky Partners. I am very proud of a science comic book series I co-wrote called Ada's Adventures in Science, which is available in 13 languages and more than 15,000 copies have been sent to over 20 countries.

Personal Projects

Bedtime Stories
A podcast of bedtime stories narrated by me, started during 2020 Covid-19 lockdown.

Periodicalizer any word of phrase into Periodic Table elements.

Astronomy Projects

Global Sky Partners
Supporting astronomy projects using robotic telescopes, particularly for underserved communities.